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Adjustable weights machines for outdoor gyms

 Designed for all abilities

The Standing Abdominal Machine is solely designed for outdoor gyms and brings the indoor gym experience, outdoors. It is part of the unique, 'plate-loaded' system of the TGO weights range, which enables the user to vary the weights in a safe and secure way (in either 10kg or 2.5kg increments).

This system gives a far more natural feel (rather than the use of hydraulics) and is a fantastic progressive range for those users who are looking for that indoor gym feel, but outside in the 'Great Outdoors'. The sophisticated design allows wheelchair users to adjust the weight and operate the machine. 

TGO is proud to be an exclusive distribution partner of Street Barbell in the UK, offering the Standing Abdominal Machine,  which is the perfect choice for those wanting to improve upper body strength. It is designed for an intense abdominal muscle training in a standing position.

The weights are adjustable (but not removable) and are more than enough for even the most seasoned indoor gym user.

Its clever design allows weight plates to move securely and safely. Move them nearer to the body and weight is reduced, move them further away, and the weight increases. This adjustability feature of the seated row benefits all users at all levels of fitness. 

For each installation, additional preparation, construction, and installation work is recommended, but not necessary. They are quickly deployable on a variety of surfaces.

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  • EN16630 Certified
  • A unique, plate-loaded system that's easy and safe to use
  • 10 x 10kg and 6 x 2.5kg plates
  • Weight plates are locked into the machine
  • Adjustable weights of up to 115kg
  • Designed to develop abdominal muscles through the 'Crunch' action in a standing position. 


  • Accessible to all users at different levels of fitness
  • Enables the user to vary the weights in a safe and secure way
  • High-quality build and finish
  • Easy to set up and safe to use
  • Affordable
  • Low Maintenance
  • Motivates users and creates progression in gym designs 
  • Brings indoor gym experiences outdoors 

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