The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGO) is the UK pioneer of free to use outdoor gyms, installing over 2000 gyms to date. TGO has installed in some prominent worldwide locations including JBR walk, Dubai, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore and Sydney Coastal Walk and now a new outdoor gym in Greenwich, London.
Credit photography: Charlton Triangle Homes

Manufactured in Britain, the new TGO gym at Blakers Court, Charlton includes some of TGO’s latest innovations including:

Nigel Pearce CEO of Charlton Triangle housing association wanted to help get people out again after Covid pandemic to improve wellbeing. TGO spent time consulting with the community as to what they wanted in an ideal design.
The aim of the project is to boost mental and physical wellbeing and help people become the best versions of themselves.
TGO gyms aim to activate powerful people, reduce lifestyle diseases, carbon footprints, increasing health and sustainability.

‘Our vision is a healthy people and planet. We will do this via our equipment, tech and empowering local communities like this one in Charlton.’ Georgie Delaney, Cofounder, MBE

Community feedback...
A survey took place during the Blaker Court launch and the results confirmed the success of the outdoor gym. You can read the full survey results here
TGO gyms offer a cost-effective solution in preventative health strategies. TGO gyms help people increase their physical activity levels. TGO has been part of Women in Sports’ Campaign ‘Time Together’ as our gyms are seen as safe spaces for mums and daughters to be active together.

TGO has developed its digital offering too helping people use the gym enhancing people’s capability. Our gyms now have screens and we provide free classes and movement medicine.

TGO also trains up local people to become activators creating a sense of belonging around the gym.
Contact us now to find out more