Our Smart and inclusive Circuit Gym offers something for everyone from inactive people right through to super-active elites. There are 3 Smart energy-generating stations, where users get an excellent cardiovascular workout and charge their phones, whilst gym owners measure gym usage and kilowatt hours generated! Our Circuit Gym is family-friendly too with playful activities including our handstand wall, leapfrog squares and Plyometric Boxes. The space provides trainers with great circuits for individual sessions, community classes and spin off activities. A great outdoor gym for progression too with challenging strength and callisthenics kit. All in all, the Circuit Gym is an amazing hub for community health and wellbeing.
- Energy-generating
- Family-friendly
- Inclusive activities (including wheelchair accessible Energy Hand Bike)
- Smart technology (measuring gym hits and energy generated)
- Class space
- Playful activities
- Trainer-friendly
- Circuits for all fitness levels
- Challenge for elites
No. of Users - 30+
Minimum Area - 15m x 11m​
Minimum Surfacing - 152m²
- Tarmac
- Black wetpour
- Colour wetpour
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